How can I repair weapons or armor?

Dawn of Zombies: Survival
2 min readApr 11, 2021

To repair weapons or armor you need the repair bench — you can find it in the basement of your Shelter. Please note that you can repair only common, uncommon (“green”) and legendary items.

  1. Make sure your bench level allows you to repair the selected item:

    Level 1 bench allows you to repair 1, 2 and 3 rank items;
    Level 2 bench repairs 4 and 5 rank items;
    Level 3 bench allows you to repair 6, 7 and 8 rank items.

    You can check the item rank in its description: press the item icon for a while. Also there you can check whether it is possible to repair the selected weapon or armor: the number of available repairs is indicated at the end of the description.

Note that legendary items have no rank: they can be repaired even on the level 1 bench.

2. Then you need to put the selected item in the bench slot: in the next cell you will see the image of the necessary repair kit and amount required for repair.

3. There are 6 types of the kits: for common weapons repair, for uncommon weapons, for legendary weapons; for common, uncommon and legendary armor too.

4. Put the required number of the repair kits of the needed type in the second slot of the bench. The repairing will start automatically, you just have to wait for it to finish. Please note that repairing can be boosted by using pliers or for ad watching. To cancel the repairing, just drag the item or repair kits into your inventory.



Dawn of Zombies: Survival

Dawn of Zombies is mobile survival game in the aberrated Last Territories after nuclear apocalypse.